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What is the best garage floor is a difficult question to answer.  There generally is no doubt that adding garage flooring is a wise decision.  The added benefits outweigh the cost in most cases.  Inexpensive garage floor protection benefits include:
  • Added warmth to cold floors
  • Anti-fatigue properties
  • Easy clean-up
  • Improved appearance
  • Sound deadening
  • Less dirt tracked into your home
  • And many more…
Opinions will differ among those who have garage flooring as to which is the best garage floor.  The reason for that is quite simple, everyone has different needs.  Cost, style, comfort, safety, and cleanup are some of the aspects of the decision making process.  What is the best garage floor for one may not be the best garage floor for another.

If you're looking at the purchase of a garage floor from a strictly cost related basis, then the best garage floor is the rolled garage flooring.  Dollar for dollar, rolled garage flooring is the least expensive per square foot and with different thicknesses and qualities available, you are sure to find a floor to meet your budget needs.

If appearance is the main quality you are looking for, then the best garage floor is a tough one to answer.  As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  That being said, the general consensus as to which is the best looking garage floor is usually tile garage floors.  Because most garages are fairly large, a single color rolled floor may be too much of one color for some people’s individual taste.  The multicolored tile garage floors help breakup that look with contrasting colors.  In addition, garage floor tiles allow you to design your floor any way you please and many people take advantage of that ability.  Popular patterns include boarders around the perimeter or a checker board layout.

When it comes to comfort, generally rolled garage flooring or soft garage floor tiles make the best garage floor.  Many of the other flooring options are made from a hard plastic type material that is more comfortable than plain concrete, but not nearly as comfortable as the rolled garage floor.

If safety and cleanup are your primary reasons for looking into garage flooring, the best garage floor for you is most likely rolled garage flooring.  One of the biggest benefits of rolled garage flooring is that it is easy to clean.  Aside of the seems, rolled garage flooring does not allow spills or leaks to penetrate to the floor below.  That means spills are contained to the rolled garage flooring where they can be easily taken care of.  In addition because rolled garage flooring is not secured to the floor, it can be dragged out of the garage and sprayed down occasionally with a garden hose.  Rigid garage floor tiles are usually solid or perforated.  The perforated types allows spills to drain below the tile to the floor below.  This can be beneficial in some applications but ultimately the difficulty becomes cleaning up spills below the tile.  Unless you pull up part of the floor, the spills will remain under the floor forever.  Even solid tiles are not installed tight enough where spills don’t leak down between the seems.

Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to install garage flooring, but deciding which is the best garage floor is strictly up to the individual making the purchase.
RaceDeck Garage Floor Tiles
RaceDeck Garage Floor Tiles...
Garage Floor Tiles – What type is best for me?
There are many types of garage floor tiles available on the market today generally divided into two categories, rigid and soft....